Franco German Embassy
Dhaka, Bangladesh
The common ambition of the Franco-German embassy in Dhaka, Bangladesh, is a strong opportunity for us to display the theme of duality and unity in a single building. At the origin of the construction of the European Union, France and Germany are still today perceived as the “origin and engine of Europe”, its raison d etre.
This synergy between the two nations led us to propose a formal concept of permanent growth. The DNA molecule, 2 parallel spirals made architecture demonstrate that harmonious relationship in which both need the other to grow, generating life around them.
Incidentally this is also the new image of high technology and ecology that France and Germany are recognized for. In this scheme there is no front-back, no left-right and no top-bottom segregation. Every entity gets its equal share of exposure on all sides; the continuity is insured by two continuous stairs facing to each other around the atrium.
One of the major considerations was to offer four quality green spaces with different characters at the four corners of the plot in a reminiscence of the “Char Bagh” (the four parts gardens celebrated in the tradition of Mughal gardens from Iran to Bangladesh). This concept opens the possibility of a formal arrival court for the officials and cars followed by a “court d’honneur” after the drop off porch for the diplomats and ambassadors, a “terrace de cafe “for the café outdoor extension for casual events by the cultural service and the trade commission’s café du commerce towards the school courtyard and the formal garden for receptions, cocktails, garden parties and national day celebrations.